GET CItizen Income Information
The Get Citizen Income Information (GCII) project was a collaboration between DWP Digital and HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC). The project was set up to improve the way that DWP can access Citizen income information from HMRC through a bespoke API. The project would help DWP to make more accurate and timely decisions about benefits and save significant amounts of taxpayer money.
DWP relies on a number of different methods to access citizen income information from HMRC with each service previously relying on bespoke APIs. These methods were time-consuming and inefficient. They also create a risk of errors and delays alongside potential security issues.
The GCII project will use a new data sharing agreement between DWP and HMRC. This agreement will allow DWP to access citizen income information directly from HMRC's systems. This will significantly improve the speed and accuracy of DWP's decision-making.
User research was conducted to understand the needs of DWP users and to identify any potential challenges with the GCII project. The research found that users were generally supportive of the project. However, they raised a number of concerns, including:
The need for clear and concise communication about the project
The aversion to a dedicated income information service for operations staff
The need to ensure that the new system is secure and protects the privacy of citizen data
‘Real time’ information means different things across each team - DWP needed to create data standards with published metadata patterns
The findings of the user research were used to inform the design of the GCII project. The project team has taken steps to address the concerns raised by users. This includes providing clear and concise communication about the project, dedicated targeted documentation, self-service training and support for staff, and ensuring that the new service meets the needs of citizens, digital teams and wider stakeholders.
The GCII project is a significant development that will improve the way that DWP can access citizen income information. The project has been designed with the needs of users in mind and the project team is committed to delivering a successful project.
The following recommendations are made for future user research projects:
Conduct user research early in the project lifecycle
DWP conducts user research for all projects - including internal projects with no UI
Use a variety of research methods, such as interviews, surveys, and usability testing
Analyse the data from user research and use it to inform the design of the project
Communicate the findings of user research to all stakeholders